Book Publishing Reflection – Paperback Formatting Widows/Orphans

So I thought I’ll start this little series of posts right in the middle of things. This is a topic  I briefly brought up in my post about publishing my book, Noble Death. While formatting my book for paperback(I did this in Word), one thing that I had to do some research on was the idea of widows and orphans. Continue reading

Noble Death – Novel

It’s done. I have published my first novel, a supernatural mystery Noble Death. It’s available in ebook and paperback formats on Amazon. If you’d like to read more about it, below are the links.

Amazon: here here

I must say that it was quite the journey. At every turn, there was something new to tackle, some new decision to make, or something new to learn. And it was a great learning experience! There is a lot of things that go into publishing a book – some are easier to deal with than others (I’m looking at you widows and orphans). It’s a huge package. From the cover, down to the actually interior design, and all the bureaucratic formalities, there is quite a lot of things to do. The good news is that once you go through the learning process you grow accustomed to all the problems and challenges, and the second time around it’s not as challenging, or so I hope. I can confirm that when I publish my second book in the future, but the thought is what kept me going many times.

Good luck to any and all writers out there with their publishing endeavors!
Poem incoming.

Patrick Rain

A Sudden Visitor

So today I woke up to find a visitor at my door. Right next to the doorsteps of my home there is a light. Apparently, a bird liked the spot for his nest. Must be warmth from the light that’s so appealing, huh? Anyhow, I have yet to stumble upon the critter, but I did get a chance to take a picture of the eggs.
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Devoured by the Living Room Pt. 3 | Short Story

An hour or two later, a stream of water flushed down the gent’s head, waking him up. Victor was standing over him with a water bottle.

Victor’s shoe was gone and in its place was a thick bandage. He swallowed painkillers dry. “What did you do with the money?”

“Lots of things.” The gentleman’s voice was feeble. His head jammed pack with all the mishaps of his life.

“Be precise!”

“Take the remote. Turn on the TVs.”
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Devoured by the Living Room Pt. 2 | Short Story

“Did you say something?” Victor screamed.

“It barely finished cleaning. The cabinet should have some.”

“Before that, what did you say?”

“I didn’t say anything.”

Victor rushed to him with the gun in his hand. “You’ve got two seconds to explain yourself.” He loomed over the pitiful gentlemen who was now shaking like a complete coward. He said nothing. Victor chuckled. He grabbed a glass from the cabinet. He poured some wine for himself. “You want some?”
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Devoured by the Living Room Pt. 1 | Short Story

“You should have known I would find you eventually.” The man declared with a victorious spark in his voice. After scratching his head, he run his fingers over his buzz cut. His leather jacket was zipped up to his neck. He wasn’t ashamed of his scarred hands. The pair of jeans he was wearing was dirty and cheap.

He strolled around the lavish penthouse, taking in the sights. His face was twisted, lingering somewhere on the boundary of hate and madness. The former was keeping him from completely losing control. Continue reading

Jimmy’s Bitter Souvenirs | Short Story

The classroom was in a mundane, soporific trance when Harry walked in. The doors squealed drawing all the eyes in his direction. He bowed to the professor, apologizing for being tardy, and snaked around the room until he got to his seat in the center. Continue reading

The Unfortunate Fortune | Short Story

It looked like a crown on the horizon. The white tent didn’t have any signs, nor any indication of its purpose, but people gathered there every single day. At sunrise visitors were magnetized to it even though the show starts a bit later. One by one they formed a single-file line, which grew with a frightening pace, making all the other business envious. Sometimes the line snaked around, hiding behind corners, and even blocking the entire street. On other occasions, the people formed a chaotic mass that encircled the tent. This would, ultimately, lead to a peculiar experience, where an individual’s name would be called out. Continue reading

Braking to Inspect the Blank Page

I was recently reminded of a topic I read about on numerous occasions. The topic is either very common, or it’s just coincidence that I seem to stumble upon it more than once.  It’s this idea of sitting down and writing almost like you are letting your thoughts spill out onto the page. It’s almost like you are writing, and you get into the right mindset. From there, you just continue to write. It’s that easy…in theory. Certainly, such a stance has its benefits. For example, once you have stuff down, it’s possible to correct it. However, the real benefit of it is this feeling of riding on the wave almost like you’re surfing. You get enough speed so that you can keep going almost endlessly. Continue reading