As you can all see the site design has changed. So yes, this will be a post where we touch base, and these are usually boring so I’d like to start with a question.
What are some things every castle needs? Think of this however you want, these can be things for a real castle or the website, the Unreal Castle. Unintended word play here. I’d like to see what people come up with so be creative.
In my previous post I mention there was some maintenance going on. It escalated into a complete site redesign and a few new features. The esthetic changed, but everything is still in the same spot it was, so let’s run over some of the new things. First, I hope you all find the site easy read as that was something I considered very important. I took some time to work on the mobile site, and it’s set now, but do let me know if you have any comments. Second, there is a revamped commenting system that looks cleaner and more modern. Lastly, there is also a subscription option where you can receive all the creative flare in your mailbox, and become a real knight of the Unreal Castle. I might be adding something in the days to come, but those are the major additions.
Welcome to the new Unreal Castle and best of luck,
Patrick Rain
Monsters in the dungeon! Secret passages… a full larder, turrets, mirror portals, classic mote, grumpy penny pinching laird, rusches to hide the decaying stench of hound dung and food scraps carelessly left to rot, straw mattresses, arbalist slits, preist hole, oubliette, and a pet dragon. ;P
The crazy book caterpillar
P.S. you could share your favorite subjects/research/fun facts on here, the adventures of Concord the messenger before being struck down in his prime, more thoughts on writing, fiction, random jelly beans, silly drabbles, audio narations…
Aaaaand I’ll stop now. Shutting up.
I really like the idea of audio narrations. It would be interesting to have an option to listen to a short story in addition to having the regular text. You’ve got some good points. Interested in taking up a position as an advisor here at Unreal Castle? =]
It would be an honor and a privilege *salutes*
(I’m speechless! You have no idea how humbled I am by this. Thank you.)
Well, you’re unofficially an advisor now. Congrats!