Jimmy’s Bitter Souvenirs | Short Story

The classroom was in a mundane, soporific trance when Harry walked in. The doors squealed drawing all the eyes in his direction. He bowed to the professor, apologizing for being tardy, and snaked around the room until he got to his seat in the center. … Continue reading

The Unfortunate Fortune | Short Story

It looked like a crown on the horizon. The white tent didn’t have any signs, nor any indication of its purpose, but people gathered there every single day. At sunrise visitors were magnetized to it even though the show starts a bit later. One by … Continue reading

The Harmless Mixture of Torment | Short Story

Something shook Jack out of his slumber. He was sweating and felt a penetrating surge of warmth from the inside. He wiped his face with his bare hands. Before him was a river. He dashed for the stream, hoping that the water is cold or … Continue reading

The Beat of a Sleepless Night | Short Story

The blast of cacophonous clamor came suddenly. It was strong, vibrant, and discordant. It blared with extreme strength. The noise penetrated the thin walls and resounded within the bedroom. It seemed to come from no specific direction, and it had a jarring rhythm which made … Continue reading