The King’s Fall – Novel

Hello everyone! My second book, an epic fantasy tale called The King’s Fall, has been published. A little glimpse of it follows…

There were always stories, legends, myths of great deeds and heroic acts or nightmarish beasts and brutal war. Gold and glory were the focus of many of stories, yet more so were extraordinary men, heroes and villains, who let nothing stand in their way. They had their eyes set on a specific goal – the end goal, the crowning achievement of their life. Nothing else mattered. Such man could overcome any difficulty, conquer insurmountable odds, and fight until … they won. No, not until death… for death doesn’t exist for such man.

Such a man is the focus of The King’s Fall.

It is his tale. He is crafting a legend.

The King’s Fall is an epic fantasy novel by Patrick Rain. It’s available for the Kindle and in paperback format. You can find it at the retailers below.

The Art of The King’s Fall

The book cover of my fantasy novel The King’s Fall went through many changes. What started as a lighthearted design, which you can see below, turned into something much more grounded in reality. You can follow the evolution of it below. All credit for the artwork goes to Andrzej Pyrchla.

The first idea idea came from a strict fantasy point of view, the sort of fantasy you think of when you imagine harmless magic and benevolent kingdoms. As you can see the esthetic of it is very friendly, with its clear sky and bright colors.

As you can see here, everything remained very much the same from the first image, it’s only the aesthetic of it that changed. The tower is still there, as well as the mountain range and the body of water. Yet we have a very different impression. The mist gives it an ominous look, while the washed-out colors, at least for me, seem to give it the look of a deserted kingdom.

The third attempt was something more fantastical. The light at the base of the tower almost looks like a force field or some sort of magical barrier, doesn’t it?

And here we are! The image that was use on the cover of The King’s Fall. I won’t say anything about it as I would like to hear your opinions. What do you think of the final cover or about any of the earlier designs? Was there one image that you liked the best? And of course for those of you who have read The King’s Fall, what do you think of the final choice?

For those of you who have just heard of The King’s Fall, it’s available on Amazon here for the Kindle and in paperback format. You can also read more about it here.

Lastly, Andrzej Pyrchla, the man behind creating the artwork, has been doing various computer graphics for some time. If you are interested in his other works, you can visit his website – here.

I hope you enjoyed the post. I wish you all the best of luck,
Patrick Rain

Within the Churning Sea – Poem

Among the churning sea a lone boat rocks in the powerful waves,
Helpless but free, it’s destined to sink for it’s small, fragile and old,
With many cracks, and a single larger tear through the hull.

Inside sat a lone traveler with a bottle of rum and water up to his ankles
His coat drenched, his hood up, and his head down in defeat and shame,
The overwhelming chills made him tremble, yet his forehead was hot,

Within he felt a profound empty void, where everything resides.
He looked inside it to find the Three: Despair, Anger and Fear,
They were strong, and he was weak; he succumbed to their power.

His heart was black like the dark sky of the night,
His fear was like the powerful roar of the sky,
His psyche was unsteady like the rocking boat,
Was there no hope?

Thank for reading. So what do you think: is there no hope for the traveler? Is there something, anything, he could do to find a glimmer of hope, or is he forever lost? I’d like to hear what you think so leave a comment below.
Patrick Rain

The Waterfall Whisper – Poem

The waterfall whisper like a glimmer of a revelation,
The light so shallow, fleeting but true,
It’s a view into the past, present – the future too,
A dark hollow of answers, where everything resides,

The mind made passive and still.
The eyes closed, body motionless, and the heart silenced,
Breathing slow and disconnected from the world,

The waterfall whisper like a glimmer of false hope,
An escape from everything – separate and cold,
Could it be a veneer of calmness, something amiss?
Things undone are waiting,

Thank you for reading. This piece is quite too-sided, so I’d like to hear your opinions. Is the waterfall a symbol of a positive state? Marvelous maybe? Or something completely different? Leave a comment below.

Patrick Rain

Book Publishing Reflection – Paperback Formatting Widows/Orphans

So I thought I’ll start this little series of posts right in the middle of things. This is a topic  I briefly brought up in my post about publishing my book, Noble Death. While formatting my book for paperback(I did this in Word), one thing that I had to do some research on was the idea of widows and orphans. Continue reading

Book Publishing Reflections – Intro to the Journey

Upon finishing my book, I had this idea. I would like to create a series of short posts about some things that I encounter while publishing my book. It won’t be an A-Z guide in any way, at least not yet. Rather it’ll be series of reflection on the challenges with possible solutions, or some helpful tips. I might also throw in a post or two about some interesting stuff I stumbled upon. Ideally, I would like people to ask questions that would spark ideas for future posts, so feel free to comment. Let’s see how it turns out. First one coming tomorrow. Continue reading

Black Flames – Poem

The dragon gazed at him with those hideous eyes,
Making him think – recall every one of his lies,

His comrades are dead, cheated
They surround him in blood,

He dares not to look back,
For fear of being captured and stuck,

He promised them glory and pride,
To abundant gold he was the guide,

All his promises are charred,
In black abysmal flames,
Of the creature afar,
That death portends,

Thanks for reading,
Patrick Rain

Dreaming at the Night – Poem

I’m fixed to the sky,
I never touch the horizon,

Covered in light it seems I am,
Visible in the night sky,

Yet most of my brothers are hidden away,
I for one play in the foreground,

People watch – from time to time,
The light – wishing,

This is just a short piece written from the perspective of an inanimate object. Recently, some of you might have noticed that I haven’t been posting as often. That’s because I’m working on my novel. I’m currently editing the final draft, but once I’m done, I’ll resume my regular schedule.

Thanks for reading.
Patrick Rain.

Within the Eyes – Poem

The smile is in the eyes,
To the soul it’s a door,
That expresses honesty and lies,
It’s the sum of a person’s lore,

Looking deep within,
The spark that flares and dims,
You can see everywhere they’ve been,
Listen to the songs and hymns,

The eyes express emotions and more,
A history of sorts,
The perennial hypnotizing shore,
That reality distorts,

Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Patrick Rain