The King’s Fall – Novel

Hello everyone! My second book, an epic fantasy tale called The King’s Fall, has been published. A little glimpse of it follows…

There were always stories, legends, myths of great deeds and heroic acts or nightmarish beasts and brutal war. Gold and glory were the focus of many of stories, yet more so were extraordinary men, heroes and villains, who let nothing stand in their way. They had their eyes set on a specific goal – the end goal, the crowning achievement of their life. Nothing else mattered. Such man could overcome any difficulty, conquer insurmountable odds, and fight until … they won. No, not until death… for death doesn’t exist for such man.

Such a man is the focus of The King’s Fall.

It is his tale. He is crafting a legend.

The King’s Fall is an epic fantasy novel by Patrick Rain. It’s available for the Kindle and in paperback format. You can find it at the retailers below.

The Art of The King’s Fall

The book cover of my fantasy novel The King’s Fall went through many changes. What started as a lighthearted design, which you can see below, turned into something much more grounded in reality. You can follow the evolution of it below. All credit for the artwork goes to Andrzej Pyrchla.

The first idea idea came from a strict fantasy point of view, the sort of fantasy you think of when you imagine harmless magic and benevolent kingdoms. As you can see the esthetic of it is very friendly, with its clear sky and bright colors.

As you can see here, everything remained very much the same from the first image, it’s only the aesthetic of it that changed. The tower is still there, as well as the mountain range and the body of water. Yet we have a very different impression. The mist gives it an ominous look, while the washed-out colors, at least for me, seem to give it the look of a deserted kingdom.

The third attempt was something more fantastical. The light at the base of the tower almost looks like a force field or some sort of magical barrier, doesn’t it?

And here we are! The image that was use on the cover of The King’s Fall. I won’t say anything about it as I would like to hear your opinions. What do you think of the final cover or about any of the earlier designs? Was there one image that you liked the best? And of course for those of you who have read The King’s Fall, what do you think of the final choice?

For those of you who have just heard of The King’s Fall, it’s available on Amazon here for the Kindle and in paperback format. You can also read more about it here.

Lastly, Andrzej Pyrchla, the man behind creating the artwork, has been doing various computer graphics for some time. If you are interested in his other works, you can visit his website – here.

I hope you enjoyed the post. I wish you all the best of luck,
Patrick Rain

Black Flames – Poem

The dragon gazed at him with those hideous eyes,
Making him think – recall every one of his lies,

His comrades are dead, cheated
They surround him in blood,

He dares not to look back,
For fear of being captured and stuck,

He promised them glory and pride,
To abundant gold he was the guide,

All his promises are charred,
In black abysmal flames,
Of the creature afar,
That death portends,

Thanks for reading,
Patrick Rain

King’s Law | Poem

The gaze of a king,
A rotten ruler by a crown adorned,
Without any regard for life,
Cruelty is the weapon,

Sitting on the throne,
With a wave of a hand,
Condemns souls,
To eternal death,

His word is the law,
In this kingdom behold,
For there is no escape,
From the king’s hold,

Thanks for reading,
Patrick Rain

The Spider in the Hand

The rain is falling,
But the sky is clear,
Her eyes are white,
But she sees you,

She smiled to you,
Her teeth pure white,
Her pale face,
Your heart begins to pace,

The fly is buzzing,
The spider danced in her hand,
Her dress of simple rags,
Her grin – your very end portends,

The shadow grows on the ground,
A pair of horns,
It dances around,
Your fate is set in stone,

To never see her, never more,
You run for home,
She’s already at the door,
She keeps on staring at you,

Thanks for reading,
Patrick Rain

The Harmless Mixture of Torment II | Short Story

The grass was whispering with a subtle but noticeable rhythm. Its voice was soft and light, but from time to time, a screech tore through the tranquility. Nathaniel was tottering forward in a trance. His step were light, and he was wobbling in congruence with the rhythm of the forest. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his mouth was wide open. It’s been a while since the last time he heard a frightening scream. He forgot about it already.

Rabbits scurried across the variegated fields of flowers. They danced around him. Their black eyes staring at him, reflecting back at him the worst within his soul. He saw everything he didn’t want to see. Anger. Fury. Regret. He saw himself lifting a club. Was it himself? Or his attacker? The club grew larger. It grew spikes.
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