Dreaming at the Night – Poem

I’m fixed to the sky,
I never touch the horizon,

Covered in light it seems I am,
Visible in the night sky,

Yet most of my brothers are hidden away,
I for one play in the foreground,

People watch – from time to time,
The light – wishing,

This is just a short piece written from the perspective of an inanimate object. Recently, some of you might have noticed that I haven’t been posting as often. That’s because I’m working on my novel. I’m currently editing the final draft, but once I’m done, I’ll resume my regular schedule.

Thanks for reading.
Patrick Rain.

Within the Eyes – Poem

The smile is in the eyes,
To the soul it’s a door,
That expresses honesty and lies,
It’s the sum of a person’s lore,

Looking deep within,
The spark that flares and dims,
You can see everywhere they’ve been,
Listen to the songs and hymns,

The eyes express emotions and more,
A history of sorts,
The perennial hypnotizing shore,
That reality distorts,

Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Patrick Rain

King’s Law | Poem

The gaze of a king,
A rotten ruler by a crown adorned,
Without any regard for life,
Cruelty is the weapon,

Sitting on the throne,
With a wave of a hand,
Condemns souls,
To eternal death,

His word is the law,
In this kingdom behold,
For there is no escape,
From the king’s hold,

Thanks for reading,
Patrick Rain

Master of Peace | Short Story

The lad marched with a steady pace, hemmed in between the escort. The four guards encircled him from every direction, leading him down the hall. They had almost no facial expressions, besides the occasional evil glare. The only human characteristic they retained were the heartbeat and a need for air. The lights were dim, and there were no windows which made the corridor feel humid and hot. The wooden floor creaked every few steps, but the door at the end lingered in the distance like it had no intention of moving closer. Continue reading

Darkness from Light | Poem

Darkness that is created by light,
Shadows of things illuminated by the sun,
Things casting shadows – why?

If light is everything good,
Why does it create the dark –
Shadows that spread wide?

Their hands reaching with desires,
Yet they can’t grasp,
The darkness – defenseless, powerless
Or is it?

Thanks for reading.
Patrick Rain

Leading the Sky | Poem

It was one of those days,
Where the sky is soundlessly lead,
It looms over you – smiling overhead,

A gaze of heavens with a tinge of fortune,
That’s the recipe for luck,
Swinging wide by good chance struck,

It was one of those days,
Where you don’t chase the sky,
For it follows in your footsteps,

Thanks for reading,
Patrick Rain

Lost Inside | Poem

The music was load,
A cacophonous cloud,
of hypnotizing clamor,

The people shuffled around,
Dancing, smiling by the spell bound,
Eyes closed – voiceless

Words were dead, lips shut –
He struggled to find a way out,
The sense of direction broken,

The crowd surrounded him – pushed to the wall,
In his mind he fell through the hole,
Walking, struggling – running

Out of the crowd of people,
The music redoubled, lights flashed,
Burned by the beat,

Thanks for reading.
Patrick Rain