The color of hope,
A soft blemish,
That’s lightly embellished,
A hue of daydreams,
That burns with aspirations,
That never withers in frustration,
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The color of hope,
A soft blemish,
That’s lightly embellished,
A hue of daydreams,
That burns with aspirations,
That never withers in frustration,
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A resonance that sounds in the distance,
It draws anyone closer,
And down the tortuous treacherous trail,
Guiding leading – misleading,
With its charm,
It leads anyone down the path
It ushers you onward – on a path into oblivion,
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I look at the world,
Slowly withering,
But not giving up,
My warm touch,
Awaiting everyone in the morning,
Giving a nudge – “Get up, silly!”
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With eyes closed,
Things can be vividly seen,
Through life They are collected,
And within the mind recollected,
Again and again,
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Monday is the star,
That leads the rest,
A parade that’s eternal – repeating,
The time lives on –
Work chores responsibilities –
Until it’s Friday and for a second,
it stops.
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The momentum of the storm,
The thunder raging on –
Clouds cover the horizon,
The darkness corrupts the sky,
These shadows collide –
Until it’s over,
And light pierces the sky.
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Laugh! Laugh all you want,
It’s healthy for you,
After all.
A chuckle and a snicker,
Nothing better brightens the world,
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I saw it!
Over there by the light,
A very hideous sight.
The puppeteer of the mind,
Within the bouquet of withered flowers,
Lonely souls it devours,
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The silent corridor of dreams
Stillness that lingers in the air,
A powerful moment,
Sensing the might of tranquility,
A looming nothingness with a purpose,
It evokes thoughts,
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