Serendipity is hiding,
Awaiting with the intention – to surprise,
With a fated meeting,
No way it would take place,
Without meaning,
There has to be one,
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Serendipity is hiding,
Awaiting with the intention – to surprise,
With a fated meeting,
No way it would take place,
Without meaning,
There has to be one,
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Thinking – like a river,
The current dragging you forward,
The ever-increasing momentum,
Hundreds of branching paths to chose from,
But no intention to stop,
Going from one idea to the next,
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The sly sullen sky,
Raining, crying,
Spoiled with a black dye,
Empty and squalid,
Humans home – locked,
Their eyes reflecting in the windows,
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The creaking from the attic,
It was subtle – light,
There was no one home,
It was an old, very old night,
The TV downstairs was on – rambling,
The windows were clouded – dark,
The doors open wide,
It summoned, “Hark!”
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The color of hope,
A soft blemish,
That’s lightly embellished,
A hue of daydreams,
That burns with aspirations,
That never withers in frustration,
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The grass was whispering with a subtle but noticeable rhythm. Its voice was soft and light, but from time to time, a screech tore through the tranquility. Nathaniel was tottering forward in a trance. His step were light, and he was wobbling in congruence with the rhythm of the forest. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his mouth was wide open. It’s been a while since the last time he heard a frightening scream. He forgot about it already.
A resonance that sounds in the distance,
It draws anyone closer,
And down the tortuous treacherous trail,
Guiding leading – misleading,
With its charm,
It leads anyone down the path
It ushers you onward – on a path into oblivion,
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I look at the world,
Slowly withering,
But not giving up,
My warm touch,
Awaiting everyone in the morning,
Giving a nudge – “Get up, silly!”
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With eyes closed,
Things can be vividly seen,
Through life They are collected,
And within the mind recollected,
Again and again,
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Monday is the star,
That leads the rest,
A parade that’s eternal – repeating,
The time lives on –
Work chores responsibilities –
Until it’s Friday and for a second,
it stops.
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